Hypnosis Information

Help Me Stick To My New Year’s Resolution!

Want to know how to lose weight, stop smoking, stop drinking or stick with any other New Year’s resolution?  Well here’s how!

The number one, most important thing you need to have in order to be successful in sticking to any plan, whether that is to lose weight, stop smoking, stop drinking, or any other habit you want to change, is to have the right mindset.  

Why is that so important?

Well, without it you are simply fighting against yourself, using willpower alone to resist the thing that you still want and desire. Think about it, you still want to drink, or smoke, or eat the wrong foods, or too much food, and that desire sits within you, every minute of every day.  Your only defence is your willpower, your determination not to give in.  But fighting that desire all day every day is, quite frankly, exhausting, and will eventually lead to failure.  However, if you change your mindset, the way you think and feel about the thing you want to stop doing, then you don’t need willpower because you no longer want the thing itself.

What does that mean in real terms. Well, by removing what you see as any benefit from the thing you want to stop, you see there is nothing that it can give you, or that you can benefit from any longer.  You then replace the old way of thinking, by seeing and believing in the benefits that not doing the thing can give you.

Take smoking for example: you might see a cigarette as the thing that keeps you calm, you believe you physically need to smoke, that it’s the one pleasure you have in life.  If we take those reasons and examine them then we can start to see how false they are.  Firstly, cigarettes are a stimulant, they do not calm you down, they speed up your heart rate and breathing.  Unlike certain drugs and alcohol there are no physical addictive qualities to smoking, any “addiction” is purely mental.  Smoking kills you, and provides you with health conditions such as heart disease and strokes, cancer, and lung diseases such as COPD and emphysema.  How is that a pleasure?  If you then see not smoking as having real benefits such as better life expectancy, improvement in your health and energy levels, being financially better off,  then you begin to tip the balance away from wanting to smoke at all. These are just a few examples of how you can start to change your whole attitude to a particular habit or way of being.

And this is where hypnotherapy can have a really material impact because hypnotherapy focuses on the mindset and how we can change it for good.  You may have found that telling yourself the benefits of stopping your habit without hypnosis is not strong enough to truly change your beliefs.  However, using hypnosis means that your natural rejection of messages that don’t align to your beliefs can be bypassed, and the positive suggestions made to you are strengthened in power, to a point where true mindset change is achievable.

So if you are struggling with your New Year’s resolution, or have gone back to the bad old ways of smoking, or overeating, or whatever it is you are trying to stop or change, then consider using hypnotherapy to give you that much needed boost, to embed real change by changing your mindset powerfully and permanently.

If you want to know more about how you can lose weight, stop smoking, stop drinking, or anything else you want to change then please use the contact button below, or call me on 07577202702. Happy New Year!

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