Welcome to Kendall Hypnotherapy.  My name is Kate Kendall and I am a fully qualified hypnotherapist operating face to face in central Poole and across the UK online.  My commitment to you is to provide you with real, long term solutions to whatever you are seeking help with using hypnotherapy.  My methods are evidence based and designed to equip you with the skills to move forward independently following our initial sessions together, empowering you to achieve your goals.

The mind is a truly powerful tool.  With my help you can harness that power, direct it in ways that are both positive and transformative, helping you to move away from old habits, thinking errors, and limiting beliefs, towards a brighter, healthier, stronger future.

I offer an empathetic, caring, private, relaxed, non-judgemental, and humorous approach to therapy so if that interests you and you want to find out more, to enquire about booking an appointment or FREE initial consultation, or simply to have a chat in order for us to get to know each other a little better, then complete the contact form below and I will get back to you within the next 24 hours.  Remember there is no obligation to go further unless you choose to do so.  

Go on, take the first step to a better, stronger, healthier you.

Hypnotherapy Services Overview

Want to lose weight but don’t know where to start?  Desperate to stop smoking but can’t find the strength to quit?  Struggling to get to, or stay, asleep? Scared of flying, dogs, spiders, anything else? Want to stop a bad habit but just can’t find a way to do it?

The world can feel like a lonely place, with no-one to understand or offer a helping hand.  Perhaps you have tried more traditional methods to resolve your issue but these have not worked out.  Maybe you are at the end of your tether, or perhaps you are just curious to see if hypnotherapy might work for you.  Wherever you might be right now I offer a chemical free, non invasive, calming and relaxing approach to dealing with psychologically routed issues.

So what can I help with?  The areas I specialise in are:

Weight Loss

Including changing your relationship with food for long term and sustainable weight loss

Stopping Addictions

For example smoking, alcohol, social media

Insomnia & Sleep Issues

For example disturbed sleep, trouble getting to sleep

Phobias & Fears

For example spiders, snakes, flying and dogs

Habit Reversal

For example nail biting, hair pulling, etc.

Mental Massage

Perhaps you just want to feel generally good about yourself in which case I offer a 45 minute mental massage treatment. Get in touch to find out more.

If there is anything else you would like help with then let me know and we can discuss whether I can assist you or not. To get in touch please fill out the contact form below.